A total of 33 Fikes Students Received Student Achievement Awards (SAA) from the Rector of UIN Jakarta
A total of 33 Fikes Students Received Student Achievement Awards (SAA) from the Rector of UIN Jakarta

Online Fikes News,- The Student Achievement Award 2023 (SAA) is an event to appreciate students who have excelled achievement during their study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This award is given as a form of appreciation for the implementation of support for the development of students' competencies. The recognition is awarded to students who have excellent achievement both academic and non-academic during their time at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The award ceremony took take place at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, Thursday (11/302023)


Various categories of student achievements will be acknowledged during this event. The categorisation of SAA and the recipient as follow:

  1. Category Memorize of the Quran (Tahfid) 30 Juz - 15 students
  2. Category  National competitions or contests - 134 students
  3. Category  International competitions or contests - 9 students
  4. Category  Creative, innovative, distinctive writings, and books with ISBN (National) - 50 students
  5. Category Creative, innovative, distinctive writings, and books with ISBN (International) - 3 students
  6. Category  Active participation as speakers, presenters, mentors, trainers, and best consultants (National) - 31 students
  7. Category  Active participation as speakers, presenters, mentors, trainers, and best consultants (International) - 13 students
  8. Category  Social, humanitarian, environmental, volunteer, and education activities (National) - 128 students
  9. Category  Social, humanitarian, environmental, and education activities (International) - 15 students

Thus, the total number of recipients of the Student Achievement Awards in 2023 is 398 students. This stated at  Rector’s DecreeUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Number 1659 of 2023.

From 398 students, 33 students or 8.3% of the total recipients are from the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES), comprising 6 students from the Public Health program, 11 students from the Pharmacy program, and 16 students from the Nursing program.

"Of course this is something to be very proud of and we hope that in the future more students from Fikes will succeed in receiving this award." Congratulations and best wishes from the Dean of Fikes, Prof. Dr. Apt. Zilhadia, M.Si, along with prayers for the continued success of FIKES students both during their studies and after graduating from UIN Jakarta, are conveyed through a message as she is currently in China as part of exploring educational collaboration between FIKES and universities in China.

Here is the list of recipients of the SAA for the year 2023 at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Match/Contest Category (National)

  1. Adhytiya Puji Pertiwi (Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 3)
  2. Alsyah Sholehah (Farmasi, Semester 7)
  3. Dzakiyyatul Atiqoh (Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 5)
  4. Melza Olgariani (Farmasi, Semester 7)
  5. Putri Tsuraya Salsabila (Farmasi, Semester 7)
  6. Ratna Sari, Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 5)
  7. Shinta Addila Zahra (Farmasi, Semester 7)
  8. Anggun Fitri Yani (Farmasi, Semester 7)

Categories of Creative, Innovative, Distinctive Writing and Books that are Isbn (National)

  1. Cinta Putri Arvianti Bintang (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  2. Erinda Annisa Putri (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  3. Faranditha Kusuma Ayu Anggraini (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  4. Salmah Nurrahmah (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  5. Tuti Lutfiah Hidayah (Farmasi, Semester 7)

Category  Active Participation of Best Speakers, Speakers, Presenters, Mentors, Trainers and Consultants (International)

  1. Alfiah Roua Al-Multazam (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 7)
  2. Arneta Amelia Putri (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  3. Aziza Nurul Amanah (Profesi Apoteker, Semester 5)

Kategori  Partisipasi Aktif Pembicara, Pemakalah, Presenter, Mentor, Trainer, Dan Konsultan Terbaik (Internasional)

  1. Sendi Handika Putra (Farmasi, Semester 5)

Category 5: Social, Humanitarian, Environmental, Volunteer and Educational Action (National)

  1. Ade Ajeng Fauziyah (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  2. Anggita Amalia Syahira (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  3. Annisa Dwicantika Febri (Imu Keperawatan, , Semester 3)
  4. Anisa Oktavia Nugraeni (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  5. Annisa Dwicantika Febri (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  6. Deby Amelia Permata (Farmasi, Semester 7)
  7. Erika Rayi Sabina (Farmasi, Semester 3)
  8. Fara Dilla, (Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 5)
  9. Hoirinisa Fauziah (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  10. Maharani Indah Palenda (Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 5)
  11. Meliana Sapitri (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 3)
  12. Nadila Ulfa Hidayah (Fikes/Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 7)
  13. Niken Olivia Zahra (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  14. Putri Diana (Ilmu Keperawatan, Semester 5)
  15. Yunita (Farmasi, Semester 3)

Category 5: Social Action, Humanity, Environment, Volunteering and Education (International)

  1. Afaf Syaima (Kesehatan Masyarakat, Semester 7)

Congratulations to the SAA recipients, keep up your achievements to make FIKES proud. (UK/zr)