Biostatistics Interest Research Application Webinar, Public Health Study Program: Preparation for Future Research
Biostatistics Interest Research Application Webinar, Public Health Study Program: Preparation for Future Research

Online Fikes News,- In order to support the learning process in the Biostatistics, Population, and Health Informatics Research Applications course, students of the Public Health Study Program FIKES UIN Jakarta held a webinar. The webinar was held through six meetings from 17 September to 28 October 2024 online via Microsoft Teams, Monday (10/24/2024).

Each session presents a different theme that is tailored to the needs of students. Various interesting themes are raised in this webinar to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to write quality scientific articles. Starting from an introduction to the integration of biostatistics, population, and health informatics in health research, scientific writing ethics, to tips and tricks for writing articles for national and international journals.

This webinar was moderated by students of the Public Health Study Program majoring in Biostatistics, with the main speakers being experienced lecturers, such as Catur Rosidati, M.K.M, Iting Shofwati, M.K.K.K, Iqbal Nurmansyah, M.Si, Yustiyani, M.Si, and Rahmah Hida Nurrizka, M.K.M. All important aspects of writing scientific articles were discussed in depth by competent speakers in their fields.

One of the topics that attracted the most attention from participants was the ethics of scientific writing and publication. The speakers emphasized the importance of avoiding plagiarism and maintaining integrity in research. In addition, the session was interspersed with the practice of using turnitin to check for plagiarism from the writing that had been made. Participants were also enthusiastic when learning how to choose the right journal for publication, as well as tips for writing articles that meet national and international standards.

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This webinar not only provides theoretical knowledge, but also provides an opportunity for participants to interact directly with the speakers. The interactive Q&A session allows participants to ask questions and discuss various problems they face in writing scientific articles.

This series of webinars is designed as a solid foundation for Public Health students in their academic and professional journey. With the understanding provided, students are expected to be able to write quality scientific articles, comply with research ethics, and choose the right journal for publication. Through the synergy between theory and application, this activity creates a generation of researchers who are ready to face global challenges.(zr)