Collaboration between Fikes and South Tangerang City Health Office and PPNI to Implement Healthy Ngider Nursing Refreshments
Collaboration between Fikes and South Tangerang City Health Office and PPNI to Implement Healthy Ngider Nursing Refreshments

Tangsel, Online Fikes News,- Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta in collaboration with the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) South Tangerang City (Tangsel) and the Tangsel City Health Service (Dinkes) carried out a refresher activity for healthy ngider nurses in Tangsel City.

The activity was entitled Implementation of 3S in Community-Based Chronic Diseases which was carried out in the Accuracy Hall of the South Tangerang City Health Service on Wednesday (25/10/2023).

Dean of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia said that his party carried out community service activities for the nursing science study program, faculty of health sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with the Tangsel City Health Service and Tangsel City PPNI.

According to him, this program is a very important program where in this activity, his party participated in the South Tangerang Health Office's program for refreshment for healthy nursing nurses in South Tangerang.

Quoted from, Zilhadia said, "So we need to refresh and this is a form of our service to the community, especially the South Tangerang Health Office, which today is implementing 3S for community-based chronic diseases."

He said that the health sciences faculty, especially the nursing science study program, wanted to provide a form of refreshment for nurses to collaborate with PPNI and the South Tangerang Health Office.

"In the future, we hope that we can cultivate implementations like this and develop them because health problems are the responsibility of all of us," he said.

"Universities must not become ivory towers disconnected from society, they (nurses) only study and do research but their work cannot be seen in society," he added.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the DPK of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) South Tangerang City Health Office, Nugroho Catur, said that in improving public health, collaborative efforts are needed, known as the tri helix, including the Government, Academics and Professional Organizations.

"So if these three components work together, I think public health services in achieving good health have great potential, to be realized, so the concept is a Community Care Center," said Nugroho.

"So the community is the center of attention of all these components, that is one of the efforts," he continued.

According to him, this activity will continue, it will be encouraged from the start in the near future with several materials. So every health worker who goes out into the field has quite good potential.

"Apart from being the government's responsibility, it is also the responsibility of academics as the center of science. "We will plan to propose stages in several areas for our development, especially health workers who we develop in the field," he said.

"We will aim for two, namely the Ciputat community health center and the Pisangan community health center. We plan to have two, so we encourage all academics to do their research so that the ability or competency of health workers will increase, automatically health services will be better," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Head of the Health Resources Division at the Tangsel City Health Office, Ridwan, said that his party welcomed this activity, because of the participation of the university, to take part in improving health services in the city of Tangsel.

According to him, in the city of South Tangerang there is already a Ngider Sehat activity that has been established and is running, which is indeed Ngider Sehat, especially for health workers with the nursing profession.

"They (Ngider Sehat) are given the ability to provide community services directly to the community, either on a scheduled basis from the Community Health Center or in certain conditions where people need direct services but are hampered by access to health services," said Ridwan.

Currently, continued Ridwan, of course it needs refreshment and improvement, meaning that with the activities initiated by UIN Jakarta, of course the party really supports this program.

"Friends from Ngider Sehat, apart from being refreshed, this will also increase their knowledge related to community-based knowledge and will actually see how public health is in general. "So these Ngider Sehat nurses will have more abilities apart from freeing up their time," he explained.

He hopes, of course, that activities like this can be followed by other educators.

"From UIN we really appreciate it, really appreciate it because this activity has been carried out, namely providing refreshment to fellow Ngider Sehat implementers in South Tangerang City," he concluded.

Source: siarnitas.idkolaborasi dinkes tangsel-3