Community Service Fikes Pharmacy Lecturer Collaborates with PD Salimah South Tangerang to Make Aromatherapy Candles
Community Service Fikes Pharmacy Lecturer Collaborates with PD Salimah South Tangerang to Make Aromatherapy Candles

Tangerang Selatan, Berita Fikes Online,

Community Service Activities (PengMas) is a routine program carried out by the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta as a means for lecturers to carry out the main duties and functions of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This community service activity is in collaboration with the Women's Organization "Muslim Women's Brotherhood" (SALIMAH) in the city of South Tangerang. The activity with the theme "Aromatherapy for Health" took place at TPQ Al Muthi, Rempoa, East Ciputat, South Tangerang on Sunday, June 9 2024. This activity consisted of counseling regarding the use of fragrances to maintain health, followed by the practice of making candles. aroma therapy. The target of this activity is the community, especially housewives, administrators and Salimah members who are empowered to start a business making aromatherapy candles so that it can improve the economy and also increase creativity.

The activity started at 08.00, opened by the MC and began with recitation of recitations. Then there was a speech by the Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta, namely Mrs. Dr. apt. Nurmeilis, M.Sc. who expressed his thanks to the Salimah management who had collaborated so that this activity could be carried out and appreciated the pharmacy lecturers who were willing to provide their knowledge and skills to the community. Next was a speech from the chairman of the SALIMAH South Tangerang Regional Management, represented by Mrs. Mardiana, SE, who expressed his gratitude to Fikes UIN Jakarta for the opportunity for Salimah administrators and members to gain insight and skills that are in line with Salimah's vision, namely improving the quality of life for women, children and Indonesian family. The final speech was made by the lady from RT 06, Rempoa sub-district, Mrs. Sinta Dewi, who warmly welcomed that this activity could be carried out in her RT area.


The material about aromatherapy candles was given by Mr. Apt. Hendri Aldrat, M.Sc. The material contains information about what aromatherapy is and the function of fragrances based on the Koran and Hadith, and how important it is for us to use fragrances. The participants looked enthusiastic during the question and answer session. After receiving the material, participants then practiced making aromatherapy candles guided by Mrs. Mabrurotul Mustafida, M.Sc, accompanied by lecturers as facilitators. The women who participated in the community service were divided into several groups and then practiced directly making candles to packaging them into ready-to-sell products and labeling them according to the therapeutic oils used, such as citronella oil, peppermint, lavender and others. The finished aromatherapy candle product can be brought by each community service participant. Finally, the activity closed with a group photo. (NM/zr)


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