DENTA FIKES UIN Jakarta Ready for 2025 Eid Homecoming
Online Fikes News,- The Disaster & Emergency Nursing Team (DENTA) Scientific Interest Organization (OPK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is actively participating in supporting the smooth flow of the 2025 Eid homecoming. DENTA has put medical teams on standby at various homecoming posts to provide first aid and health services for travelers until the Eid homecoming activities end. Monday (3/24/2025)
This activity was carried out in several locations that are busy points and main routes for travelers. Trained DENTA members are Nursing students who are deployed to provide light medical assistance, basic health checks, and refer cases that require further treatment to the nearest health facility.
The following are the standby locations for DENTA member delegations, including: Taman Cirebon Power; Tanjungpura, Karawang; Kampung Rambutan Terminal; Ciputat, South Tangerang; Jalan Raya Serang, Cilegon, Banten
This activity is a form of concern and dedication of nursing students to the community, especially in important moments such as the Eid homecoming. The DENTA delegation on duty is equipped with medical equipment and First Aid (P3K) medicines. They are ready to provide assistance to travelers who experience minor health complaints or emergency conditions. The presence of DENTA is expected to provide a positive contribution in creating a safe, comfortable, and healthy homecoming for travelers.
In addition to medical services, DENTA also provides education to travelers about the importance of maintaining health during the trip. This education includes tips for overcoming fatigue, how to maintain hydration, and preventive measures against diseases that often arise during long trips. With this activity, DENTA hopes to increase public awareness of the importance of health during homecoming.
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia, M.Sc., expressed his appreciation for the dedication and readiness of the DENTA team in carrying out this humanitarian mission. "This activity is very useful in helping travelers to stay healthy and arrive safely at their destination. We are proud of our students who have applied nursing knowledge in real action in the community," he said.
DENTA Supervisor, Eni N. Agustini, Ph.D., added that student involvement in this activity is a real form of implementation of the knowledge they have learned. "Through this activity, students not only hone their clinical skills but also increase their sense of empathy and concern for others," she said.
Vice Dean 3 for Student Affairs, Dr. Uswatun Khasanah, MNS., also gave her support for this program. "Student participation in community service activities like this is very important to build their character and social spirit. We hope that DENTA can continue to grow and provide wider benefits to the community," she said.
DENTA UIN Jakarta will continue to be committed to community service activities, especially in the field of emergencies and disasters. Hopefully this initiative can inspire other students to contribute to the community.
Please note that this activity has been running from March 24, 2025 until the end of the Eid homecoming activities. (ZR)