Disaster Management Training: Earthquake Simulation, Fire Drill, and Emergency Response for Physical and Psychological Trauma
Disaster Management Training: Earthquake Simulation, Fire Drill, and Emergency Response for Physical and Psychological Trauma

Online Fikes News.- Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with Student Organization: Disaster Emergency Nursing Team (DENTA) and Fikes Disaster Responder Team (FDT) successfully held Disaster Management Training: Earthquake Simulation, Fire Drill, and Emergency Response for Physical and Psychological Trauma at Auditorium Prof. MK Tadjudin. This event will last for 2 days on 8-9 December 2023.

The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Prof. Dr. Apt Zilhadia M Sc on her speech stated that the training aims to provide the faculty members as well as students skills in responding to Disasters, especially earthquake and fire disasters. Disaster preparedness is not only a skill in responding to the physical tolls but also psychological consequences. Moreover, Prf. Dr. Apt ZIhaldia conveyed her wish for the disaster drill to be a regular activity at the Faculty of Health Science.

The training presents three speakers. The first speaker was dr. Iin Inayah from Muhamadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC). She presented a topic about Disaster Management & Evacuation in Earthquake – Fire Drill. According to dr. Iin Inayah, it is necessary to acquire skills in self-protecting such as dropping onto your hands and knees by covering your head and neck with your arms while staying on your knees.

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The second speaker was Dr. Ita Yuanita. Dr. Ita delivers a topic related to Basic Life Support and emergency management of Fire-Burn and Fractures. She emphasizes the importance of saving lives according to the list of priority Circulating, Airway, and Breathing (CAB).

The last session of the first day was earthquake evacuation simulation, fire drill by using APAR, and emergency management of psychical trauma.

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One the second day, the third speaker, Ns. Eni Nuraini Agustini, PhD explained Psychological First Aid (PFA). She states that PFA is supportive and practical assistance for distressed people. The PFA is a basic skill that is necessary to be mastered by first responders.  Eventually, the participants joined the PFA simulation at the end of the training. (zr)