Efforts to support Green Campus: Fikes UIN Jakarta holds SDGs Seminar
Online Fikes News,- Green Campus is one of the efforts being promoted by the Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, to support this, the Faculty of Health Sciences held a Seminar on the Role of Academics in realizing SDGs or Sustainable Development Goals which contain 17 common goals of world countries in realizing Sustainable Development.
The event was held on March 12, 2025, at the MK Auditorium. Tajuddin Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences FIKES UIN Jakarta and was attended by 200 participants consisting of lecturers and students. The Chairperson of the Activity Implementation, Meliana Sari M.K.M who is also a lecturer in the Environmental Health interest in the Public Health Study Program, said that the purpose of this event was to increase the role of academics in realizing a green campus which is also in line with SDGs efforts. Green Campus is one of the efforts to create a healthy and environmentally friendly campus environment.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof.Apt. Dr.Zilhadia, M.Si. Continued by presentations from the speakers. The first speaker was Mrs. Esie Hanstein, a lecturer at Humboldt University Berlin and Leipzig University Germany, who is also a UNESCO activist. In her presentation, she conveyed how activities with the community in the form of social activities that continue to protect and preserve the environment. Furthermore, the presentation was continued by Mrs. Dewi Iriani Utami, a lecturer in environmental health at the Public Health study program. In her presentation, Dewi conveyed the role that can be played by the academic community on campus in supporting Green Campus. At the end of the event, the speaker invited all participants to continue to preserve the environment. In addition, the role and collaboration of all parties is needed to realize Green Campus. (ms)