ESA UIN Jakarta Holds Dental and Oral Health Education in Scavenger Village
South Tangerang, Online Fikes News– Sunday (23/02/2025), the Department of Social Epidemiology Student Association (ESA) of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has carried out the ESA Social Action 2025 activity entitled “WISH: Realize One Smile, Raise a Thousand Hopes.” This activity took place at the Amalia Reading Park, Kampung Pemulung, Jurang Mangu Timur, South Tangerang, and aims to increase awareness and skills of children aged 5-9 years in maintaining dental and oral health through interactive education.
This event was attended by the Chairperson of ESA UIN Jakarta, Supervisor, Chief Executive, and representatives from the Amalia Reading Park. In addition, the committee from various divisions who had worked hard to make this activity a success were also present. The activity began with an opening by the Master of Ceremony (MC), continued with the reading of verses from the Qur'an, and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. After that, remarks were given by the Chief Executive Khahlil Gibran, ESA Chairperson Jihan Sakinah Puteri, Representative from Epicentre Muhamad Taufik, SKM, and ESA Supervisor, Prof. Hoirun Nisa, M.Kes., Ph.D. After a series of remarks, the event was officially opened.
The main series of activities began with a story telling session delivered by Nadya Fauziah Hasan, which was packaged in an interesting way so that children would better understand the importance of maintaining dental and oral health. This session aims to provide basic knowledge through a fun and educational approach. After that, it was continued with the provision of educational materials on dental and oral health by speakers from the committee. The materials presented covered various important aspects, such as common dental diseases in children, the importance of brushing teeth properly, and healthy habits that can be applied daily to maintain dental and oral health.
After the educational session, the event continued with a demonstration of proper tooth brushing practices. Participants were given props and guided by the committee to practice good and correct tooth brushing techniques. With this direct practice, it is hoped that children can understand and apply the habit of brushing their teeth in the right way. To increase children's interaction and enthusiasm, the committee also held an interactive quiz session containing questions about the material that had been given. Children who managed to answer the questions correctly were given attractive prizes in the form of story books as a form of appreciation and motivation.
Towards the end of the event, the committee distributed donations and gifts in the form of snacks and also donations to participants. The distribution of these gifts is expected to further motivate children to continue to maintain their dental and oral health. After the distribution of gifts, the event was closed with a group photo session between the committee and participants, as a memento of the implementation of this activity. A closing prayer was said as a form of gratitude for the smooth running of the activity.
The ESA Social Action 2025 activity is expected to have a positive impact on children in Kampung Pemulung. With the education and practice provided, it is hoped that they will be more aware of the importance of maintaining dental and oral health and implementing healthy living habits from an early age. The committee also hopes that similar activities can continue to be carried out in the future to provide benefits to the wider community. (AB/ZR)