Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Jakarta Holds NATIONAL OSCE Exam
Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Jakarta Holds NATIONAL OSCE Exam

FIKES Online News - The Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with the Indonesian Pharmacy Higher Education Association held the National OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) Exam for the January 2025 Period. This exam was held on January 18 & 19, 2025 at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The Coordinator of the OSCE Center (KOC) apt. Puteri Amelia M.Farm., Ph.D, said that the pharmacist OSCE Exam activity is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) exam conducted to test the competence of prospective pharmacists and aims to ensure that prospective pharmacists have the knowledge, skills, and professional ethics needed to interact with patients and other health professionals. A total of 63 candidates (students) of the Pharmacist study program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta took the OSCE Exam which lasted for two days. Due to the large number of candidates taking this exam, the OSCE Exam was divided into 4 Sessions and 7 Rounds.

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Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia, M.Sc., Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences who attended this activity as one of the internal OSCE examiners, expressed his gratitude to his colleagues from Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta Hospital, and Premier Bintaro Hospital who were present as external examiners. He also expressed his appreciation to all local committees (panlok) who had worked hard and contributed so that this activity could be carried out well and smoothly. Zilhadia hopes that this activity will be a good deed and hopefully all students will pass the OSCE well, passing 100%, he said.

Meanwhile, the OSCE Central Supervisor (PP) Sri Wahdaningsih who was appointed by the National Competency Test Committee, said that all local committees (panlok) had worked optimally in various aspects, starting from preparing facilities and infrastructure, quarantining candidates and examiners to procuring exam materials. However, he gave a small note for future improvements, "Panlok must be more focused on their respective tasks and ensure that the recording of test materials, both from outside and inside, is recorded properly," for the entire examination activity has been running smoothly, safely and under control, he said. (JH)

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