Fighting TB in Bogor City, PBL Group 10 Shows True Story of THESIS on Warung Jambu Health Center Television
Fighting TB in Bogor City, PBL Group 10 Shows True Story of THESIS on Warung Jambu Health Center Television

Bogor, Online Fikes News,- February 10, 2025 – Tuberculosis (TB) is still a public health challenge in Indonesia, especially in increasing awareness of the importance of complete treatment and prevention through Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT) for close contacts and Anti-Tuberculosis Drug (OAT) treatment for Tuberculosis sufferers. One of the areas facing this challenge is Kedunghalang Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java Province. In response to this condition, students of the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta initiated the TESIS (Testimony of Survivors and Close Contacts of Tuberculosis) program at the Warung Jambu Health Center, Bogor City. This program is part of the educational intervention in Field Learning Experience (PBL) II with the aim of building public awareness of the importance of TPT and compliance in Tuberculosis treatment. This TESIS activity is part of the continuation of the BASIS (Babarengan Ngalawan Tuberculosis) program and is expected to be useful as an educational medium for patients and visitors to the Warung Jambu Health Center. Monday, (10/2/2025).


THESIS carries the concept of playing video testimonies of Tuberculosis survivors and close contacts in the waiting room of the Warung Jambu Health Center. This video shows the real experience of a survivor who successfully completed treatment until cured, as well as the story of close contacts in undergoing TPT as a step to prevent transmission. By hearing other people's experiences directly, it is hoped that the community will be more motivated not to hesitate to undergo Tuberculosis treatment and prevention.

Before producing the video, the student team first sought information on survivors and close contacts of TB through TB ​​cadres in Kedunghalang Village, namely Mrs. Siti Aminah. After getting the contact details of the two sources, the students approached the survivors and close contacts who were willing to share their experiences. To maintain the privacy rights of the sources, the students made a written agreement (informed consent) explaining the purpose, benefits, and use of the video as an educational medium. After production was completed, the video began to be shown on the TV screen of the Warung Jambu Health Center waiting room and will continue to be played continuously.

In the video, S as a close contact of TB stated, “It’s better to drink TPT for me, tea, take the medicine for about 3-6 months, rather than later getting sick and having to take medicine for at least 6 months”. S also stated that TPT brought benefits to his health, “I feel better, so I don’t cough, at first I didn’t want to take medicine for too long, but I thought ah for my own health, why not just drink it”. Meanwhile, A as a TB survivor stated that his motivation to recover was because, “I want to be healthy, I want to study the Koran, I want to visit relatives. Don’t let us have grandchildren, have children, be afraid (of getting TB)”. A also stated to the community who are undergoing TB treatment, “Get regular treatment, believe that our illness will be cured if we want to get treatment. Don’t keep quiet, don’t let it be like that, you can’t stop taking your medicine”.

Although students cannot continue to be in Bogor to monitor the impact directly, the video screening continues as part of the health center education. With this program, students of group 10 PBL Public Health UIN Jakarta hope that more patients will complete their treatment completely, and more close contacts will be willing to undergo TPT to prevent the spread of TB. This small step is expected to contribute to reducing the number of TB cases in Indonesia, especially in Kedunghalang Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java Province. (KLP 10 PBL)