Finding TB Cases, Warung Jambu Health Center and Tegal Gundil Health Center Conduct Active Case Finding (ACF) with PBL UIN Jakarta Students
Online Fikes News,- Warung Jambu Health Center and Tegal Gundil Health Center in collaboration with students of group 10 PBL (Field Learning Experience) of the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta conducted early detection of Tuberculosis through Active Case Finding (ACF) activities on Saturday, February 8, 2025. Group 10 PBL (Field Learning Experience) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was also present to assist in the ACF activities. This activity was carried out in the Tegal Gundil Village Hall. This ACF activity not only targets the community in the Warung Jambu Health Center Working Area, but also the community with the Tegal Gundil Health Center Working Area, each of which has 75 target targets. This ACF activity involves high-risk targets such as close contacts of Tuberculosis sufferers and people who have symptoms of Tuberculosis.
There are 5 tables in the ACF activity. Table 1 is the registration table, table 2 is where height and weight are measured, table 3 is where lung x-rays are taken in the car, then at table 4 the x-ray results are read by the health center doctor and sputum pots are given if the x-ray results show symptoms of Tuberculosis, and at table 5 is the provision of screening kits.
During the activity, quite a few health cadres were involved in the ACF activity. Several cadres were directly involved in helping to implement the ACF activity at table 1, there were also cadres who were present only to accompany the community in their area who participated in this ACF activity. The ACF activity was successfully implemented according to the target. (KLP 10 PBL)