Health Interventions: Stunting and Non-Communicable Diseases
Health Interventions: Stunting and Non-Communicable Diseases

South Tangerang, Online Fikes News,— The "Health Intervention" activity was successfully implemented in four Posyandu and Posbindu under the auspices of the Pasir Mulya Health Center and the North Bogor Health Center. The Posyandu involved were Posyandu Teratai Tanah Baru, Posyandu RW 1 Tanah Baru, Posyandu Mawar 9B Cimahpar, and Posyandu Nusa Indah II. This activity focused on handling stunting and non-communicable diseases (PTM), and was initiated by Lecturers and Students of the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma values ​​of Higher Education, namely community service. Wednesday (20/8/2024)

Posyandu participants consisted of infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and postpartum mothers, while Posbindu participants included individuals of productive age and the elderly. The intervention process was carried out with a 5-table concept, namely registration, examination and measurement, recording and reporting, and counseling and consultation. Students are placed at various tables to provide services, with support from lecturers who provide counseling and consultation.

This activity begins with the gathering of students and lecturers at Bogor Station at 07.00 WIB, then divided into four teams for each Posyandu, with one team consisting of 5 students and 3-5 lecturers. The team departs for the Posyandu at 07.15 WIB and arrives at around 07.50 WIB. Activities at the Posyandu begin at 08.45 WIB and end at 12.15 WIB. In this activity, participants who are detected as having PTM are advised to continue the examination to the health center, while infants or toddlers who are indicated as stunting are given multivitamins as an initial action.

When each team arrives at the designated Posyandu location, a cadre gathering is carried out which is continued with a briefing until 08.15 WIB. After completion, the activity begins with filling in personal data at the registration desk, conducting examinations and measurements, administering vitamin A, checking HB, and measuring blood pressure (tension). Next, deworming medication and measles and polio immunizations were given to children who needed them, as well as PMT (Supplementary Food Provision) to every Posyandu participant who came.

In addition, counseling was held on how to get medicine at normal prices, as well as the importance of finishing the antibiotics given. This counseling also covered the proper use of medicine and the importance of pregnant women consuming calcium and vitamins. In the next session, counseling was given on STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) which can affect the health of babies and potentially cause birth defects, as well as counseling on HIV/AIDS due to free sex behavior and there were classes for pregnant women.

Among the four Posyandus, there is one Posyandu that applies the Life Cycle Posyandu concept, namely Posyandu Nusa Indah II. Posyandus that apply this concept usually provide health services not only to pregnant women, postpartum mothers, babies, and toddlers but also to teenagers and the elderly. Just like the other three Posyandus, Posyandu Nusa Indah II uses the 5-table concept. On normal days, Posyandu Nusa Indah II only measures blood pressure for the elderly and adolescents, but due to the community service activities carried out by Public Health Students and Lecturers of UIN Jakarta, other biochemical measurements were added, such as measuring Hb levels, glucose levels, uric acid levels, and cholesterol levels in the blood as well as measuring upper arm circumference and waist circumference. This is done with the aim of detecting the risk of non-communicable diseases in both the elderly and adolescents in the area. This measurement activity was carried out by Students and Lecturers who were present and were tasked with providing counseling at Posbindu. In addition, yesterday's community service activities also coincided with the distribution of vitamin A and worm control. There are 2 types of vitamin A given, namely blue for babies aged 6-11 months and red for ages 12-59 months. The distribution of multivitamins is intended for stunted children or below the red line, the multivitamins were given by Students and Lecturers of Public Health of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In this activity, Lecturers and Students work together to make the event a success by carrying out the tasks that have been given according to their division. Lecturers focus on the individual counseling process for Posyandu and Posbindu participants while Students help the Cadres in measuring and recording at each table. Posyandu activities ended at 11.19 WIB, followed by cleaning up and lunch. Cleaning up activities were carried out again after lunch, marking the end of the series of Posyandu activities that day. After that, Lecturers, Students and Cadres took a group photo and returned to their respective homes safely and happily.

The conclusion of this activity is that Community Service activities in the Bogor City area were successful. Through appropriate and targeted health interventions, it is hoped that the community will be increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining health preventively. This effort is not only aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals, but also to create a healthier environment as a whole. By continuing to support sustainable health programs, we can all play an active role in realizing a healthier and more productive generation in the future. (zr)

Stunting & Penyakit Tidak Menular-3 Stunting & Penyakit Tidak Menular-2