Partnership Plan for Faculty of Health Sciences and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta
Partnership Plan for Faculty of Health Sciences and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta

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On May 16 2024 in the Main Meeting Room a meeting was held between the Faculty of Health Sciences at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta.

Prof. apt. Zilhadia, M.Si in his speech said that as fellow institutions under UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, there is a need for mutually beneficial cooperation for both parties. Meanwhile Drg. Marisa Julinda M.H.Kes., Sp.Pros.,  Director of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta, in her speech introduced her staff, namely: dr. Andi Ikhlas Adytal, MARS, Medical Manager, Dr. Nabila, from the Marketing Division of UIN Hospital, Mrs. Eni Nursing Supervisor

This meeting is something that is really hoped for so that there will be synergy between the two institutions. In his speech he said that UIN Hospital started as a hospital which was quite busy at the beginning and in its development to date has become a BPJS partner hospital. Moreover, the UIN SH academic community is the largest share of the UIN SH Jakarta Hospital.

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Apart from that, Drg. Marisa conveyed the journey of UIN Hospital as a BPJS partner and also the clarity of identity of SH Hospital as a government-owned hospital. This clarity of identity greatly simplifies the process of traveling to BPJS partner hospitals. SH Jakarta Hospital's current hope is how to increase the protection of the UIN Jakarta academic community.

Apart from preparing to become a partner hospital with BPJS, BPJS Hospital also has the desire to become a teaching hospital because UIN SH Jakarta also has an institution that produces health workers. UIN Hospital has begun collaborating with Saudi Arabia for the development of the hospital. One of UIN SH Jakarta's main tasks is education, so for UIN SH Jakarta Hospital the hope is to become an educational hospital.

Some of the activity plans initiated at this meeting are: Pharmaceutical consultations for patients, nursing development, as well as various collaborations related to public health such as epidemiology, nutrition, data management, etc.

Another thing conveyed by Mahtuhah, Ph.D from the Nursing Study Program, said that since 2007 the building of the UIN SH clinic became the UIN SH Hospital. With experience in the area of international hospital nursing management which will certainly be very useful for the development of UIN SH Hospital. UIN Hospital also said that it is currently building 3 primary clinics. Reni Jaya Clinic has been accredited and Buaran Clinic is in the accreditation process.

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At the end of the meeting it was emphasized that there were many plans for collaborative activities between the Faculty of Health Sciences and SH Hospital and this was followed by the creation of a Cooperation Agreement and continued with a meeting to discuss further activities. (UK/ZD)