Prevent TB, PBL Group 10 Promotes BASIS Program in Kedunghalang Subdistrict
Bogor, Online Fikes News,- On February 5-7, 2025, Group 10 Students of the Field Learning Experience (PBL) of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta, held the BASIS (Babarengan Ngalawan Tuberkulosis) program in three RWs in the Kedunghalang Village area. The three RWs are RW 002, RW 006, and RW 008 as selected RWs whose communities have low intentions to prevent TB transmission. This activity was attended by 84 participants and 26 invited guests including RT, RW, Posyandu cadres and TB cadres in the local area. The implementation of BASIS activities in RW 002 and RW 006 was carried out simultaneously with Posyandu activities, so it has its own challenges in educating the community.
The BASIS intervention program aims to increase the knowledge and intentions of the community, especially in the Kedunghalang Village area, to prevent Tuberculosis. With leaflet media, students of Group 10 PBL UIN Jakarta explained in detail about what Tuberculosis is, how it is transmitted, symptoms, how to check, treatment, and prevention. After this activity, the community is expected to not only have basic knowledge, but also have the intention/awareness to prevent Tuberculosis by protecting themselves and their environment. In addition, specifically in RW 008 as one of the areas in Kedunghalang Village that is least willing to take Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) until finished and Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT), the video TESIS (Testimony of Survivors and Close Contacts of Tuberculosis) was shown to increase the sense of relate and awareness of Tuberculosis.
The speakers for the BASIS outreach activity were all members of group 10 PBL. This activity is a momentum for students to learn and develop their public speaking skills in the community.
The invited guests who attended were dr. Georgiana Bernardine Christine Kakerissa as a general practitioner at the Warung Jambu Health Center, Buddy Supriatna, S.Sos. as Secretary of the Kedunghalang Village Head, Siti Aminah as a TB Cadre in the Kedunghalang Village area, RW Head and RT Head, and local Posyandu cadres. All parties showed synergy in supporting the BASIS program.
In her remarks, dr. Georgiana said that Indonesia still has the 2nd highest number of Tuberculosis cases in the world and needs further disease control. Then, Buddy and other stakeholders said that they appreciated the students' initiative in this activity, which is expected to increase the residents' intention to prevent TB.
The 84 participants who attended the BASIS activity were enthusiastic in listening and discussing about Tuberculosis. One participant asked, "If a partner has TB, can a husband and wife relationship still be done?", showing that the community has started to be aware after the presentation of the material if there are TB sufferers around them. In addition, other participants also expressed their impressions after participating in the BASIS activity, "The BASIS activity was fun, so it added new insights," said one resident. (KLP 10 PBL)