Preventing Malnutrition in Toddlers, UIN Jakarta Public Health PBL Group 2 Focuses on 3 Intervention Programs
Online Fikes News, - The problem of nutritional vulnerability in toddlers is still an issue that requires special attention. Nutritional vulnerability refers to a condition where a person is at risk of experiencing malnutrition or malnutrition. One of the nutritional problems that many toddlers experience is stunting, wasting, underweight and overweight. In an effort to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers, Group 2 Students of Public Health Field Learning Experience (PBL) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta provided three intervention programs which were implemented in the working area of the Karet Tengsin Subsidiary Health Center. In determining the appropriate intervention program, Group 2 students have carried out a situation analysis and found a priority problem to be resolved in RW 04, Karet Tengsin Village, namely providing inappropriate parenting patterns for toddlers. Therefore, the intervention program carried out aims to increase knowledge regarding appropriate parenting patterns for toddlers.
The first intervention program, namely providing a flipchart containing a calendar and material related to appropriate parenting patterns for toddlers. The target of the flipchart purchasing program is parents of toddlers in RW 04, Karet Tengsin Village. The flipchart distribution was carried out on Wednesday (28/2/2024) door to door. Giving flipcharts accompanied by direct counseling activities by group 2 students to parents of toddlers made the message conveyed easier to remember. Apart from that, parents of toddlers can read the flipchart repeatedly so that there can be an increase in knowledge regarding appropriate parenting patterns for toddlers.
The second intervention program is outreach activities about the impact of malnutrition through a fear appeal approach. The theme of this activity is "HARMONY: Preventing Malnutrition Problems Through Optimizing Nutrition". This activity was carried out on Saturday (2/3/2024) by gathering mothers of toddlers from RW 04 in the Karet Tengsin Auxiliary Health Center Hall. This counseling is carried out using a fear appeal approach, namely by showing videos containing the impact of nutritional problems which aims to increase mothers' awareness to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers. Furthermore, mothers of toddlers receive counseling regarding appropriate parenting patterns for fulfilling toddler nutrition and introduce appropriate feeding rules for toddlers according to their age. The material was delivered by Mrs. Narila Mutia Nasir, Ph.D as Public Health Lecturer at UIN Jakarta. Apart from that, mothers of toddlers also received material related to Hygiene and Sanitation in Preparing MPASI which was delivered by Mrs. Dewi Utami Iriani, M.Kes., Ph.D as a Public Health lecturer at UIN Jakarta. After delivering the material, there is a question session with competent presenters so that the information presented can be trusted.
The third intervention program, namely counseling activities for Posyandu Kenanga RW 04 cadres with the theme "KARYA: Counseling on Parenting Patterns by Building Active and Responsive Cadres". This activity was carried out on Monday (4/3/2024). The counseling material was delivered by Mrs. Siti Hanifah, S.Gz as the person in charge of the nutrition program at the Karet Tengsin Auxiliary Health Center. This activity aims to increase cadre knowledge and optimize the 5 desk system at Posyandu. In this way, cadres can convey this information in posyandu activities, especially during counseling and counseling at the posyandu activity table. Apart from that, to improve the abilities and skills of cadres in counseling activities, roleplay is carried out in accordance with the counseling steps which are abbreviated as GATHER or ONE TUJU.
With the existence of these three programs, it is hoped that we can increase knowledge regarding appropriate parenting patterns to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers. Apart from that, it is hoped that this program can be a beneficial activity for the community, health centers and students and to work together to create a healthy generation free from nutritional problems and improve the level of public health. (PBL 2)