Ramadan at Work: Turning Busyness into Opportunity
Online Fikes News,-- In order to carry out the holy month of Ramadan and strengthen ties, the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an online event "Healthy Synergy and Ramadhan Spirit with FIKES" through the Zoom Meeting platform. Saturday (8/3/2025)
This activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia, M. Si as the Welcoming speech, Suparto, S.Ag., M.Ed, Ph.d as a speaker, along with the Vice Deans, Head of Administration, Heads and Secretaries of Study Programs, lecturers and education staff, and FIKES students.
The event began with an opening by Mr. Edi Rohaedi as the Master of Ceremony (MC), enthusiastically welcoming the participants. Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Mrs. Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia, M.Si., gave a warm and inspiring welcome. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of maintaining friendship, building good communication, and creating Islamic brotherhood in the academic environment. He also emphasized that this event is a valuable momentum as a coaching event to strengthen relations between leaders, lecturers, health workers, and students.
After the speech, the event continued with a sermon session delivered by Suparto, S.Ag, M.Ed, Ph.D., Director of Teacher Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, with the theme "Ramadan in the Workplace: Turning Busyness into Opportunity." In his sermon, he said that the month of Ramadan is a month of riyadah (training). Where, Muslims are trained in terms of their physical (jism) and also their souls (nafs). In addition, Suparto also said, "The Messenger of Allah said, there are two blessings that humans always forget, namely When they are healthy and when they have time." The end result of this fasting worship is piety, which includes 4 indicators According to Ali bin Abi Thalib, namely Al-Khaufu Al-Jalil (Fear of Allah), Al-Amalu bi At-Tanzil (Doing Good Deeds), Ar-Ridho bi Al-Qalil (Consent with Allah's gifts) and Al-Isti'dadu Li Yaumir-Rahil (Readiness to face Allah).
This sermon session received a warm welcome from the audience, then given the opportunity to continue the discussion in a question and answer session. The interactive discussion further enriched insight and deepened understanding regarding the use of the month of Ramadan in efforts to improve self-quality and maintain faith in everyday life.
Responding to the Dean of FIKES's question regarding tips and tricks for maintaining the stability of goodness and piety, Suparto explained that the stability of human faith is tested through the temptations that come. He quoted Ali Imran 134 regarding the characteristics of a pious person, and emphasized the importance of maintaining faith and avoiding egoism. (Rz/Rn/ZR)