Ramadan: Strengthening the Soul Through Worship and Self-Reflection
Ramadan: Strengthening the Soul Through Worship and Self-Reflection

Online Fikes News, - The Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) UIN Jakarta held a Healthy Synergy and Ramadan Spirit activity at the beginning of Ramadan 1446 H. The theme of the event was "Strengthening the Soul Through Worship and Self-Reflection" with the aim of improving friendship and spiritual development of academic community human resources. The event took place via during the zoom application, Saturday (1/3/2025).

The activity was attended by the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA, Ph.D as the keynote speech, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. apt. Zilhadia, M. Si as the welcoming speech, K.H, Dr. Akhmad Sodiq M.Ag as a speaker, and also from the Vice Deans, Heads of Study Programs, Secretaries of Study Programs, Lecturers, Heads of Administration, Education Personnel and Students.

The first presentation was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Zilhadia, conveying his apologies, congratulations on carrying out the fast and gratitude to all who attended the Ramadan activities and the development of academic community human resources. The Dean also said that in this year's Ramadan, hopefully, he can improve his worship and performance more than the previous year.

Next was the main event delivered by KH Ahmad Sodik, with the theme "Ramadan Strengthens the Soul Through Worship and Self-Reflection". This material was delivered very deeply so that there was a question and answer session with the participants. This theme was given to motivate enthusiasm in worship, self-introspection, and maintaining mental and physical health through dhikr, and continuing to improve worship and performance.

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Lastly, the speech of the rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Asep Saepudin Jahar appreciated this event and conveyed his apologies to all participants who attended and happy fasting, hopefully the Fikes academic community will be even better. The rector conveyed the conclusion of the material in the activity, there are 3 important points in carrying out daily life:

(1) Self-Regulation, The ability to manage and control oneself, emotions, and one's behavioral thoughts in various situations. Self-regulation is very important because it can manage stress, emotions and make wise decisions and achieve goals.

(2) Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Changing negative thought patterns into positive thought patterns, not being suspicious and always having good intentions.

(3) Full presence (Mindfulness), Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and involved in the present moment and not being judgmental. Humans were created by Allah SWT very noble. therefore do not insult each other, gossip each other must respect each other because Allah SWT will be hurt and angry if the creatures he created are hurt.

Hopefully this positive activity will be a self-reflection for all of us to get closer to Allah SWT and improve the quality of our worship in this blessed holy month of Ramadan. (SS/ZR)

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