Religious Moderation Webinar: The Role of Religious Moderation and Students in the Framework of the Unity of the Republic of Indonesia carried out by the Faculty of Health Sciences
Religious Moderation Webinar: The Role of Religious Moderation and Students in the Framework of the Unity of the Republic of Indonesia carried out by the Faculty of Health Sciences

Online Fikes News, - Faculty of Health Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN Jakarta) held a webinar entitled "The Role of Religious Moderation and Students in the Framework of the Unity of the Republic of Indonesia" today. This event was attended by students and lecturers who enthusiastically discussed the important role of religious moderation in maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) Sunday (26/5/2024).

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. apt., Zilhadia, M.Sc. opened the event by emphasizing "The importance of religious moderation as a basis for students to socialize and as capital for understanding when students later enter the profession as health workers in our heterogeneous society," he said.

Prof. Arif Zamhari, M.Ag. Ph.D, in his speech conveyed that there were various plans to increase religious moderation within the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta environment. These include plans for a TOT on religious moderation, as well as a film festival on religious moderation which in the future will need to involve all components of the campus in increasing insight into religious moderation.

This webinar featured several main speakers, namely Mr. Amirullah, S.Ag., M.Ag. Head of Sub-Directorate for Islamic Religious Extension. The first thing conveyed was the urgency of religious moderation, namely to strengthen the essence of religious teachings in community life, manage the diversity of religious interpretations by making religious life intelligent and caring for Indonesianness. Apart from that, Amirullah stated that there are 9 keywords for religious moderation, namely: Humanity, Public Benefit, Fairness, Balance, Constitutional Compliance, National Commitment, Tolerance, Non-Violence, Respect for Tradition. Harmonization of religious communities can be achieved if: The community has its civil and religious rights protected. Key figures and institutions are able to play a role in maintaining a situation that is conducive to creating social harmony and solidarity for the benefit of the nation.

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The main resource person also provided views on how students can become agents of change in promoting religious moderation. "Students are an intellectual force who have the responsibility to spread the values of tolerance and diversity in the campus environment and the wider community,".

In the panel discussion session, several students shared their experiences in implementing religious moderation and asked about various cases or issues related to religious moderation, for example interfaith marriages, worshiping in places other than their religion's place of worship, sanctions for civil servants who violate religious moderation issues. .

The interactive webinar session provides the opportunity for participants to ask questions and discuss directly with the speakers. Many participants highlighted the importance of an educational curriculum that supports religious moderation and strengthening the role of social media in spreading messages of peace.

The webinar closed by presenting several practical recommendations that students and the campus are expected to implement. These recommendations include the integration of religious moderation in academic and non-academic activities, increasing interfaith dialogue through student organizations, and developing community service programs that focus on harmony and tolerance.

With this webinar, the Faculty of Health Sciences at UIN Jakarta hopes to inspire students to continue to play an active role in promoting religious moderation and maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. "Hopefully the spirit of religious moderation that we are developing today will continue to take root and strengthen our nation in the future," concluded Dr. Uswatun Khasanah as chairman of the Religious Moderation Webinar committee. (UK/ZD)