Stadium General: Drug Abuse and Mental Health in Adolescents Challenges and Solutions
Stadium General: Drug Abuse and Mental Health in Adolescents Challenges and Solutions

Online Fikes News – The Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Stadium General activity which was held at the MK Tadjudin Auditorium, Wednesday (25/9/2024).

This event was hosted by Narila Mutia Nasir, SKM., MKM., Ph.D., Lecturer in Public Health who raised the theme "Drug Abuse and Mental Health in Adolescents Challenges and Solutions" and presented speakers Satria Ika Putra, SH., MHDI, Head of the BNN of South Tangerang City and Dr. Amira Ellyza Wahdi, MSPH, Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM

Stadium General is the gateway to introducing the quality of education more closely to new students of Fikes UIN Jakarta for the 2024/2025 Academic Year.

Satria in his presentation explained about the national policy in Law 35/2009 on narcotics in article 4, Guaranteeing the availability of Narcotics for the benefit of health services and/or the development of science and technology; Preventing, protecting and saving the Indonesian nation from narcotics abuse; Eradicating the illicit trafficking of Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors; Guaranteeing the regulation of medical and social rehabilitation efforts for Narcotics Abusers.

Narcotics According to Legal Perspective, According to Law.No. 35 of 2009 Article 1: "Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic, which can cause decreased or altered consciousness, loss of feeling, reduce to eliminate pain, and can cause dependence, which are divided into groups"

Furthermore, Satria said, there are many types of Narcotics that we need to know, including List G Drugs, LSD, Gorilla, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy/MDMA, Heroin, Cocaine, and others.

The effects of narcotics use will cause chronic diseases such as the brain showing changes after the use of substances that will persist for a long time even though the use of the substance has been stopped and like diabetes and hypertension, addiction is: long-lasting, incurable, but can be managed (recovered).

The event continued with a question and answer session by the Stadium General participants before continuing to the second speaker.

The second speaker, Amirah Ellyza Wahdi, presented material on “Mental Health Problems in Adolescence”

In her presentation, Amirah conveyed the prevalence of mental health problems in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Information in 2021, it can be seen that drug abuse occurs most often in the young age group 15-35 years with a percentage of 82.4% as users, while 47.1% act as dealers and 31.4% as couriers; Lack of data on the prevalence of drug abuse; The absence of national data regarding other issues related to adolescent mental health.

The event went smoothly, attended by 170 semester 1 students, then ended with a question and answer session that was quite diverse and interesting, as seen from the many questions submitted by several participants. Hopefully this general stadium activity will bring benefits and goodness and become additional knowledge to be developed further by students and lecturers in the form of various research. (zr)

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