Stadium General: "The Role of Public Health Workers in Preventing Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in the Context of Achieving the SDGs"
Fikes Online News, - Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is holding Stadium General activities again, in order to welcome the opening of the even semester 2023/2024. The event was held on Friday (1/3/2024) at the Prof. Hall. MK Tadjudin and attended by around 250 people consisting of deans, lecturers from the Public Health Study Program, and students from the Public Health Study Program along with educational staff.
The general stadium activity was opened by the Dean of Fikes UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Apt Zilhadia M Sc, in his speech said that this general stadium activity was a very good opening by raising strategic public health issues, so that it is hoped that later the participants will be able to interpret the knowledge presented by the resource persons and provide simultaneous effects that can be applied in everyday life .
This event presented two speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Cicilia Windiyaningsih, SMIP., SKM., M.Kes. is a Professor of Epidemiology from Respati Indonesia University (URINDO) who delivered material on "The Role of Public Health Workers in Preventing Infectious Diseases in the Context of Achieving SDGs" guided by moderator Mrs. Meliana Sari, MKM who is a Lecturer from the Fikes UIN Jakarta Public Health Study Program. Resource person Prof. Cicilia said that the role of public health workers is very important in controlling infectious diseases at this time, especially in terms of surveillance of cases of infectious diseases that occur in the community, so that they can minimize health problems and focus on controlling cases of infectious diseases.
The next resource person is Prof. Hoirun Nisa, M. Kes, Ph. non-communicable disease. This approach states the importance of paying attention to the life journey at each stage, starting from the preconception period to the advanced stages of old age. So that public health workers can play a role in providing promotive and preventive control at the age-related stages, which is carried out continuously. There are many influencing factors, such as intrinsic and functional factors, so they need to be considered to determine the right intervention strategy.
The event ended with questions and answers which were quite varied and interesting as seen from the many questions submitted by several participants. We hope that this general stadium activity will bring benefits and goodness and will provide additional knowledge to be further developed by students and lecturers in various forms of research. (SRHL)