Strengthening Student Competence: Advanced Research Methodology Webinar for Public Health Study Program
Strengthening Student Competence: Advanced Research Methodology Webinar for Public Health Study Program

Online Fikes News,- How to produce quality and relevant research in the digital era? This challenge is the main focus of the Advanced Research Methodology webinar held by the Public Health Study Program every Saturday morning, from September 21 to November 30, 2024. A total of 97 7th semester students participated in this activity, showing their enthusiasm to prepare themselves in compiling their thesis research proposals.

This webinar is designed to help students understand various aspects of research, from the use of secondary data to research ethics. Each session provides theoretical insights and practical skills that are relevant to students' needs in the final stages of their studies. In an interactive discussion atmosphere, students are invited to dig deeper into topics that support the research process.

This activity presents 11 lecturers from the Public Health Study Program as speakers, with moderators who rotate each session to keep the dynamics of the discussion fresh. The material presented aims to prepare students to become researchers who not only understand theory but are also able to apply it directly to their research. With a series consisting of an opening, delivery of material, discussion, questions and answers, and direct practicums, this webinar provides a comprehensive learning experience.

The main topics discussed included data management with citation managers, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in scientific writing, techniques for writing results and discussions, and systematic reviews. One student said, "The discussion about citation managers really helped us in managing references efficiently. This is very useful for us when we start writing our theses," said one of the webinar participants.

This webinar not only focused on theory, but also practical applications. For example, the session on research ethics taught students the importance of maintaining integrity in research, which is the basis for producing credible scientific work. Effective writing techniques were also one of the topics that helped students compile research reports that were clearer and easier for readers to understand.

The enthusiasm of the students was clearly evident from their active participation during the discussion. Critical questions and new ideas emerged in each session, showing how relevant the material presented was to their needs. Through this webinar, the Public Health Study Program succeeded in creating an interactive and in-depth learning atmosphere. The speakers compiled the material in an interesting and applicable way, ensuring that students not only understood but were also able to apply the concepts they had learned. By understanding the research techniques taught, students can compile quality research proposals and increase their chances of success in the final stages of their studies.

With applicable and relevant materials, this webinar is a strategic step in supporting the development of student competencies. This activity is not only a means to improve research methodology skills but also encourages students to be more confident in compiling their research proposals. Through this webinar, the Public Health Study Program hopes to continue to produce superior graduates, ready to contribute to the development of public health science and practice in Indonesia. (zr)

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