UIN Jakarta Fikes Disaster Responder Team Deploys as Flood Volunteers in Jatiasih, Bekasi
UIN Jakarta Fikes Disaster Responder Team Deploys as Flood Volunteers in Jatiasih, Bekasi

Bekasi, Online Fikes News,– The Fikes Disaster Responder (FDT) Team from the Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, also contributed to handling flood victims that hit the Jatiasih area, Bekasi. As a form of concern for the affected community, this team is active in public kitchens and provides health services for refugees.

Since the flood disaster hit, the volunteer team moved quickly to help victims by distributing food and providing health checks for residents who experienced health problems due to the flood

The Head of FDT and team coordinator, Hasna Afra Setiadin, said that the presence of this team is part of UIN Jakarta's commitment to helping communities affected by the disaster. "We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the victims and ensure that they get access to adequate food and health services," he said.


Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. apt Zilhadia, M.Si gave his appreciation to the students who had participated as volunteers in this humanitarian action. "We are proud of the concern and enthusiasm of FIKES students in helping communities affected by the disaster. This is real proof that students not only excel in academics, but also have a high social spirit," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice Dean 3 for Student Affairs, Dr. Ns. Uswatun Khasanah, MNS, emphasized that this activity was a form of concern from the academic community of the Faculty of Health Sciences UIN Jakarta towards flood victims. "We always encourage students to be involved in social activities like this. By going directly to the field, they not only learn about disaster management, but also hone their empathy and skills in providing health services to communities in need," he said.

The flood that occurred in Jatiasih was caused by high rainfall and the overflowing Bekasi River, causing hundreds of residents to evacuate to safer places. This condition encouraged many volunteers from various parties to intervene, including the UIN Jakarta Fikes Disaster Responder Team.

With a humanitarian spirit, this team continues to strive to provide the assistance needed by the community, while strengthening the role of health workers in disaster response.

The Fikes Disaster Responder (FDT) volunteer team involved in this humanitarian action consists of:

  1. Hasna Afra Setiadin (PSIK) – FDT Chair & Team Coordinator
  2. Muhamad Salman Alfarisi (PSIK)
  3. Gia Wiratama (PSF)
  4. Suci Susilowati (PSKM)
  5. Adiva Khailla Maharani (PSIK)
  6. Farika Zada ​​Al Amadea (PSF)
  7. La Aliya Nadhifa (PSF)
  8. Nida Aula Nabih (PSF)
  9. Bagus Nur Purnomo (PSKM)