Workshop on Preparing OBE-Based RPS for Public Health Study Program
Online Fikes News,- Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Workshop on Preparing OBE-Based RPS (Semester Learning Plans) on Wednesday, (27/3/2024). The activity took place in a hybrid manner, where the resource persons were present online and other activity participants were in the Main Meeting Room of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
This activity invited a resource person, namely Mrs. Rini Rachmawaty, S.Kep, Ns., MN., Ph.D who is the Quality Assurance Secretary from Hasanuddin University Makassar. The main objective of this activity is preparation for the implementation of ASIIN International Accreditation which will be faced by the Public Health Study Program in the future.
The event was attended by all Public Health Study Program Lecturers and opened by moderator Mrs. Dewi Utami Iriani, Ph.D. The Head of the Public Health Study Program is Mrs. Raihana Nadra Alkaff, Ph.D. opened the event by giving a speech stating that the preparation stages for ASIIN accreditation were being carried out by the Public Health Study Program, however, this workshop was an effort to improve competence in the field of learning.
Then the resource person gave an evaluation of one of the RPS courses in the Public Health Study Program, that there needed to be improvements in the level of learning outcomes. At undergraduate level, output according to Bloom's Taxonomy, the ideal achievement of learning is at the level of analysis (C4). Mastery of a foreign language is also important in carrying out the ASIIN accreditation assessment. It is recommended that the RPS be prepared in a more mature, systematic and comprehensive manner. Mrs. Rini also suggested to lecturers to start the step of making RPS by determining the study materials, then making Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK) and summarizing them in the form of a mapping framework, this will make it easier to prepare RPS better.
In closing, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Apt. Zilhadia, MSi., said that in an institution the struggle to improve the curriculum is the core business, so the involvement of all lecturers is very important to improve the RPS as much as possible. (SRHL)