Pharmacist Profession Study Program
To become a leading PSPA in developing and integrating pharmaceutical sciences with Islamic and Indonesian aspects to produce Muslim pharmacists who are able to compete at national and international levels. This vision is expected to be achieved in 2027.
- Organizing quality PSPA education that is based on Islamic values.
- Carrying out research in the pharmaceutical sector and developing halal products.
- Carrying out community service by utilizing pharmaceutical science and technology
- Establishing productive and sustainable collaboration with various parties that support the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education at national and international levels.
- Providing opportunities for madrasah/Islamic boarding school graduates to obtain quality professional pharmacist education
Objectives of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program
- Producing Muslim pharmacist graduates who have Islamic integrity in carrying out the pharmaceutical profession, are able to compete at national and international levels and are able to apply halal aspects in the pharmaceutical field.
- Building a good education governance system including: planning, implementation, evaluation and sustainable development that is transparent, accountable, accurate and efficient
- Producing research outputs in the pharmaceutical sector and developing halal products that can be utilized by the community
- PSPA has the ability and plays an active role in providing solutions to problems in the pharmaceutical sector and halal aspects to the community
- Establishing good cooperation with various parties in providing education, research and community service at national and international levels
- Producing Muslim pharmacists from madrasa/Islamic boarding school graduates
PEO | Indicator |
PEO-1: Producing pharmacists who are faithful and devout and continue to learn and develop lifelong competencies. | -100% of graduates practice Islamic values in carrying out pharmaceutical work.
-5% of graduates engage in self-development through formal education, training, and courses. |
PEO-2: Producing competent Pharmacy graduates who actively contribute to the pharmaceutical job sector. | -90% of graduates work in accordance with pharmaceutical expertise.
-2% Achieving accomplishments in their job track record. |
PEO-3: Producing pharmacists who have strong leadership, and the ability to decide quickly |
- 2% Holding leadership positions in their workplace. -2% Involvement in organizations. |
PEO-4: Producing pharmacists who Have creativity and innovation in doing work pharmacy and is sensitive to opportunities and capable use it for the improvement of professional work. |
-2% Becoming entrepreneurs in the pharmaceutical field. -5% Actively participating in professional development within theircommunity. |
PEO-5: Producing pharmacists who caring and polite in serving, able to communicate effectively professional and capable of teaching experience and competence to the next generation. |
-10% Becoming preceptors. -2% Becoming speakers in various activities. -2% Involvement in community socialactivities. |
PEO-6 Producing pharmacists who can contribute to the process of guaranteeing the halalness of medicines, food and cosmetics. | -2% of alumni work in institutions related to the assurance of halal pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. |
Learning Outcome | Description | |
Aspects of Attitude | ||
LO-1 | S1 |
Graduates are able to demonstrate an attitude of devotion to God Almighty and uphold human values in carrying out pharmaceutical work. Graduates are able to demonstrate an attitude of nationalism by working together and contributing to the life of the nation and state |
LO-2 | S2 | Graduates are able to demonstrate a law-abiding attitude, responsible discipline, and can internalize academic values, norms, and ethics in social and state life. |
LO-3 | S3 | Graduates are able to demonstrate an attitude of devotion to God Almighty and uphold human values in carrying out pharmaceutical work. |
Aspects of Knowledge | ||
LO-4 | P1 | Able to solve problems in the development and management of pharmaceutical preparations and services using a pharmaceutical science approach |
LO-5 | P2 | Able to manage and solve problems related to current issues related to local health,medical care, and community welfare |
Aspects of General Skills | ||
LO-6 | KU1 | Able to improve professional skills in a specific field through training and work experience |
LO-7 | KU2 | Able to improve the quality of resources for the development of organizational strategic programs |
LO-8 | KU3 | Able to contribute to the evaluation or development of national policies in the context of improving the quality of professional education or developing nationalpolicies in their professional field |
LO-9 | KU4 | Able to achieve, audit, secure, and retrieve data and information for the purposes ofdeveloping professional work results. |
Aspects of Specific Skill | ||
LO-10 | KK1 | Able to evaluate and develop strategies using an evidence-based approach in designing, manufacturing/preparing, distributing, managing, and/or serving pharmaceutical preparations to optimize the success of therapy. |
LO-11 | KK2 | Able to carry out pharmaceutical practices professionally and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the Pharmacist code ofethics |
LO-12 | KK3 | Actively involved in patient therapy, interprofessional collaborative work, and community health services by maintaining/maintaining a patient or consumer- centered perspective |
LO-13 | KK4 | Carrying out research, identifying and solving problems to contribute to improvements in pharmaceutical science |
LO-14 | KK5 | Be assertive in leadership, be a role model, have an entrepreneurial attitude, have decision-making skills and self-management skills |
LO-15 | KK6 | Able to make decisions on strategic matters in the pharmaceutical sector in his professional work independently, lead and manage group work, and be responsible for achieving group work results in accordance with applicable laws andregulations |
LO-16 | KK7 | Able to communicate and collaborate interpersonally and interprofessional to solve problems related to pharmaceutical practice, and develop and maintain working networks with the professional community and clients. |
LO-17 | KK8 | Able to evaluate oneself and manage one's learning to improve the practice ability of the pharmacist profession |
LO-18 | KK9 | Able to carry out internal audits of halal pharmaceutical preparations |
The Faculty of Health Sciences Laboratory is an educational laboratory used for various practicum, research and student research activities. There are various types of equipment available that are very supportive for practicum. With fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment during the practicum. This laboratory has a very spacious area, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practicums. Apart from that, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practicums in the laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.

The library is the heart of higher education and functions to support the academic movement and dynamics of higher education. Libraries are tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Faculty of Health Sciences Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. To date, the library has a print and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, etc. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the FIKES library provides computers equipped with cable and Wi-Fi internet services.